daddy's down at the stadium watching footbaaaall D:
he went to buy ma piao and ended up watching the match -__-
so need to wait until he come back thn can go ouuuutzx.
so went school today with porky and nachoo did homework blahblah.
after luunched thn went for tuition and daddy mummy came to fetch.
oh i just remember physics lesson yesterday at the discovery lab was daaamn funny hahahah, dk why my hand so itchy i went to touch the plasma ball which is damn cute/amazing somehow ._. look exactly like this:
he went to buy ma piao and ended up watching the match -__-
so need to wait until he come back thn can go ouuuutzx.
so went school today with porky and nachoo did homework blahblah.
after luunched thn went for tuition and daddy mummy came to fetch.
oh i just remember physics lesson yesterday at the discovery lab was daaamn funny hahahah, dk why my hand so itchy i went to touch the plasma ball which is damn cute/amazing somehow ._. look exactly like this:
thn when i was busy toying with it touching and pressing, i came in contact with porky who was staring into blank space beside me and we suddenly got shock like damn pain! and we started screaming and staring at each other hahahah damn fuuuunny, after tht ms ng was like calling ppl to try it agn see what's causing it thn those ppl go try kana shock the reaction damn funny la heheheh!